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Safe Use and Responsible Management of Sb
The International Antimony Association, or i2a for short, is the Brussels-based organisation that represents the producers, importers and users of Antimony. Our aim is a sustainable and responsible Antimony industry being achieved through product stewardship ensuring safe use and responsible management of Sb substances.
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Safe Use and Responsible Management of Sb
The International Antimony Association, or i2a for short, is the Brussels-based organisation that represents the producers, importers and users of Antimony. Our aim is a sustainable and responsible Antimony industry being achieved through product stewardship ensuring safe use and responsible management of Sb substances.
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Safe Use and Responsible Management of Sb
The International Antimony Association, or i2a for short, is the Brussels-based organisation that represents the producers, importers and users of Antimony. Our aim is a sustainable and responsible Antimony industry being achieved through product stewardship ensuring safe use and responsible management of Sb substances.
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Sb substances are NOT mutagenic, genotoxic, carcinogenic chemicals. 

Expert systematic evidence review concludes that indirect modes of action are probably behind observed animal effects, and no similar human evidence exists.  The current IARC and CLP classifications are scientifically up to date and bring the applicable level of precaution advice.

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29 May, Brussels


  • Navigating the Next EU Political Term: Expectations for Critical Raw Material Regulation
  • Antimony’s Green Deal Odyssey: Pioneering Sustainability in Action
  • Antimony: Fueling Strategic Autonomy in a Rapidly Evolving Landscape

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